Thursday, May 17, 2012
MHS Friday Night Live
The students at McClellan High School completed an Environmental Community Project. The students started the project in February when they conducted a survey on campus about alcohol abuse among teens in the Antelope community. They found that many of the teens received their alcohol from adults at the local stores. They would find a willing adult who will go in and buy the alcohol for them. This information spear headed a Public Awareness campaign to remind adults not to purchase alcohol for minors. The students held a poster contest to promote the cause. Jessica Mudrenco was the winner with a picture of a martini glass out of words that remind her of alcohol. The students worked together to create a slogan to go with her picture. Jessica was awarded a 2 movie tickets, a $5 gift card to Subway, and a $5 gift card to Jamba Juice for her efforts. The winning poster will be placed in prominent locations in community stores that sell liquor.